Our Services

Our dedicated team understands the pivotal role that quality merchandise plays in a comprehensive brand strategy. We go beyond expectations, actively listening, collaborating, and delivering merchandise that exudes pride. Explore our tailored services and see if we're the right fit for you.

When You Work with the BrandAssets Team You Can Expect

Strategy & Ideation

High-end Branded Merchandise

Sourcing and Fulfillment

Industry Events

From the largest of trade shows to more intimate gatherings, industry events provide a wonderful opportunity to impress.  Our creative team can work with you to design and deliver unique merch that leave an impression, instead of ending up in the airport garbage can.


There’s no better way to welcome new employees to the team than a heart-felt present waiting for them on day 1.  Investing a little money upfront goes a long way to making new hires feel welcome, appreciated and a part of the team.  And don’t forget, the team loves a little something at company parties and being recognized for going above and beyond.

Customer Appreciation

Simply put, take care of those who take care of you!  Let us work with you to understand your customers, what they care about and then wow them with merchandise they are proud of!


Bringing awareness to your brand is critical, and attention-grabbing merch is a great way to do it. Make an impression that lasts when you have the opportunity to be in front of thousands of people.


Every organization has a few people that mean a little more to them.  Impress your VIPs with high-quality, thoughtful merch that helps drive home your brand message and expresses your thanks to them and what they mean to your organization.

Gifts For Any Occasion

Whether it is holiday parties, the company's summer party, or celebrating milestones in the lives of your employees or customers, branded merchandise can make the memory you’re after. Our designers can work with your team to figure out the right gift for any occasion!

Ready to Strengthen Your Brand Strategy With Great Merch?

Our team is ready to dive in, understand your business and be a trusted advisor on your brand-building journey! Contact us today to learn more about how we may be able to help.